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검정치마-Two Days...영상&노래 가사, NO.104






The Black Skirts (검정치마) - Two Days [MV] 2021



two days, and six voice memos away from another heartache
sitting alone in an empty bed, spent the whole night wide awake
one day, and I am in season two. a show I don’t even care about
I can’t believe all the things that came out of her pretty mouth
my body’s a haunted house. filled with the ghost of the past
can you blame me for it? how was I supposed to know
I want a do over so I can go before her
I don’t blame her for it. this is what young girls do
back where I started, feeling sad and lonely again
my body’s a haunted house. filled with the ghost of the past
can you blame me for it? how was I supposed to know
I want a do over so I can go before her
I don’t blame her for it. this is what young girls do
back where I started, feeling sad and lonely again





The Black Skirts (검정치마) - Two Days (자막, 한글 가사, 해석, 번역, lyrics, KOR SUB)




검정치마 - Two Days(이틀) MV 해석, 리뷰 l The Black Skirts EP Good Luck To You, Girl Scout! 뮤직비디오




[꿈의기타] 검정치마 - Two Days Guitar Cover 기타 커버 TAB Chords 타브 코드 기타 악보


*검정치마 새 노래 나오면 같이 듣기로 했는데 혼자 듣네


*"My body's a haunted house Filled with the ghost of the past" this hit me so hard....


*No puede ser, de verdad necesitaba música nueva de the black skirts, hoy soy muy feliz


*나를 잠시나마 환상속에 살게 해주는 아티스트


*loved too much, another hymn, thanks for existing The Black Skirts 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥


*"Feeling sad and lonely again" mannn you touched my lung🥺🥺


*If you know him, bro you got a good taste of music and I love you 😭


*This EP will be on repeat along with thirsty and team baby 👌🏼 it’s so goodddd


*Listening to the black skirts makes me want to lay in a field with the wind blowing on my face and not having a care of anything or anyone. It makes me feel at peace.


*검정치마의 음악 덕분에 잊을 수 있는 아픔들.


*2년이 지난 지금 검치 노래가 나와도 난 여전히 everything과 함께 듣는다


*퇴근 길에 주저앉았음.. 매일 노래 내주면 매일 출근 가능해요 휴일님...경제 살리는 거 내 가수님이다..국회로..


*Esa vibra que me da esta canción (。♡‿♡。) no se cómo no la escuché antes (ya se que salió hace 2 semanas, pero aún así)


*SO BEAUTIFUL, I'm so proud, is a perfect song. Congratulations. ♡♡♡


*yes finally the wait is over! ✨


*Please😭 i have been waiting for this! 🤍🤍🤍🤍


*하.. 이날을위해 입에 단내나도록 매일 검치를 검색하며 눈알빠지도록 기다렸나보다. 여러분 축배를듭시다


*너무 좋다... b급 뮤비 분위기랑 안맞는 고급진 노래.. 검정치마 특유의 감성 너무 좋아....


*검정치마 새 노래 나왔다고 너한테 연락하고 싶다.


*하나의 곡을 위한 이토록 완벽한 세계관이라니




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