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거미- Autumn Breeze...영상&노래 가사, NO.117






[MV] Gummy(거미) - Autumn Breeze (re;code Episode Ⅶ)







Like the leaves riding on the autumn breeze
Like the days gone too far for us to seize
It’s like walking through the sky
Where the stars come and go
It’s the light within my reach
Not as distant as it seemed
Dreams are moments night is long
And we linger in the past
Tell me do you feel the same
I can take you far far away
Far enough for us to disappear
Should you feel a little scared
Know that I’m still right here
It will be a little bittersweet
It might even feel a bit surreal
Just see the stars run past you as you
Drift apart in air
Like the leaves riding on the autumn breeze
Like the days gone too far for us to seize
We move on and leave it as it is
But once in a while
let the reminiscence brighten this melody
I can take you far far away
Far enough for us to disappear
Should you feel a little scared
Know that I’m still right here
It will be a little bittersweet
It might even feel a bit surreal
Just see the stars run past you as you
Drift apart in air
Like the leaves riding on the autumn breeze
Like the days gone too far for us to seize
We move on and leave it as it is
But once in a while
let the reminiscence brighten this melody
Like the leaves riding on the autumn breeze
Like the days gone too far for us to seize
We move on and leave it as it is
But once in a while
let the reminiscence brighten this melody
Like the leaves riding on the autumn breeze










거미 _ Autumn Breeze Live | 가사 | GUMMY | MR은 거들 뿐 | Vocals Only Live | LYRICS






👑 동화 속 공주가 된 기분 👸🏻 : 𝐆𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐲 (거미) - 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐧 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐳𝐞 [가사/해석/자막/lyrics]







Gummy (거미) - Autumn Breeze (어텀 브리즈) Autumn Breeze (re;code Episode Ⅶ) Lyrics/가사 [Eng]







[LIVE] 멤버들 전원 기립박수 이끈 ♬거미의 환상 보이스♬ 《Running Man》런닝맨 EP458







조정석 - 아로하 (Aloha) 거미🌸조정석 듀엣 ver







'거미라도 될 걸 그랬어' 알아요? (Feat. 거미) | ODG







[선공개] 거미×이무진, 즉흥으로 부르는 ‘Shallow’ 듀엣♬ㅣ티키타카(tikitacar)ㅣSBS ENTER.






* 곡이 거미 영접했네✨


* 크....지다님의 명곡이 이렇게 거미님를 통해 리믹스 되다니....너무 좋네요ㅠㅜㅠㅠㅜㅠㅠ


* 미친미친 진짜?? 진짜 내가아는 그 어텀브리즈??? 눈물난다...


* 음색 개쩐다 진짜 ...


* 영어는 야나두에서 배우셨나요


* 아니 왤케 홍보 적어 소리소문없이 나왔네 알고리즘 없었으면 모를뻔


* 헐 지다님 노래 리메이크 하셨구나.. 대박.. 목소리 완전 잘어울리시네요..


* 진짜 듣자 마자 반해서 지금까지 무한재생해서 듣고 있슴다ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 사랑해요


* 듣자마자 창밖이 타임스퀘어로 바뀌네🌃


* Música linda 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭❤❤❤❤


* 딩고보고 왔는데 진짜 노래 너무 좋아요~~~ ㅠㅠㅠ


* 거미님 싸랑해영♡♡♡♡♡♡


* 드디어ㅜㅜㅜ 존버 타던 노래가…!! 진짜 이거 들으려고 디데이까지 해놓았다


* 어텀 브리즈 노래도 커버가ㅠㅠ..진짜 감격쓰 노래 진짜 좋다구요


* 내가 2017년부터 들은바로 리메이크지만 1위예상함


* 미쵸따...찰떡궁합 인뎁쑈???❤️❤️ 진짜 색 다르다 역시 거미는 거미다🙊🔥


* 이 갬성....


* 아니 이걸 ㅠㅠ 아니아니ㅣㅣㅣ이이이ㅣ ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 커버 하 ..... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 사랑합니다아ㅏㅏ ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ❤❤❤


* this voice... i think i fall in love


* How to sing like this, so charming 😊


* Incrível meu amor, incrível ♡


* What a beautiful song


* Feels more like Christmas more than Autumn


* 거미님 짱짱 ㅠㅜ💖


* 세상에 미쳤다!! 노래 너무 좋당





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